Jud Sharp
Telling Stories in Words and Pictures and Song

I began creating murals at the end of 1994, deciding to put aside my own visions and use my skills to build a profession. I saw my own imaginary work falling into expected patterns and questioned its creative value; I seemed to know where I was going, so why go there. I also thought , almost as a joke to myself, that I wanted a down-payment for when I picked up a brush. Eventually, in 2001, as a result of three inspiring exhibits, I realized that the world of art was, in fact, my world; the people who create it and the people who appreciate were my people. And the act of creating it was my calling. So, I returned to the easel to explore my own vision, though I continued doing murals for several years.
I must add that it was a great experience meeting people, going into their homes and creating new and imaginative spaces for them and I am glad for the time that I did. But, it was becoming clearer and clearer that I had my own path and that I was wasting my time unless I followed it.
Now, the tides have shifted slightly and after a long hiatus, I'm looking to create murals once more. This time I want to explore my vision more fully as I adapt to that of the client's perspectives.

a murals begins c.2000

A forest for a foyer
Big flower mural in tanning salon lobby

Cherubs in healing center

Two sliding closet doors converted into imaginary library
Leopard sleeping in baby's room

The fairy invasion

Large plaster sunflower relief dominate master bedroom corner

View of Tuscany from kitchen wall

Tanning salon lobby

Decorative nudes rise on bathroom wall

Corner of tanning salon mural

Fountain mural in healing center

Villa courtyard in living room

Decorative mural replaces wallpaper with something original

Don't be late!

Mural from an imaginary world

This dining room mural is both simple and exotic

Detail from frog mural in pediatrician's office

Want to be an Egyptian queen? This teenager did.

Zebra in children's room

Bathroom mural in healing center
One of eight murals in pediatrician's exam rooms

A courtyard in your kitchen

Bedroom wall upon the African plain